ACL Reconstruction

ACL injuries are very common in the athletic population. Unfortunately, if ACL Reconstructions (ACLR) are not rehabilitated thoroughly, it can significantly increase the likelihood of re-rupturing the ligament after surgery.

Our team of Sunshine Coast physiotherapists has extensive experience with ACLR cases. We have witnessed numerous athletes successfully return to sport and regain their previous level of performance with confidence. Typically, the rehabilitation process for returning to sport should take between 9 to 12 months. In some cases, particularly with young athletes, it may take a little longer. While it might be tempting to return earlier, compelling evidence suggests that individuals should wait at least 9 months before returning to sport to significantly reduce the risk of reinjury. 

At The Physio Bunker, we have developed an exceptionally thorough return-to-sport criteria. This involves progressive and ongoing objective testing that is measured against normative data and previous testing of the individual. Our physiotherapy team will only allow athletes to progress through stages of their rehab once they meet certain criteria. Whilst this may seem excessive at times, it will greatly reduce the likelihood of reinjury if the athlete passes objective and standardised tests that highlight the readiness of return to sport and performance. 

Some of our team have also been through multiple ACLR, so you’re benefiting from the hard lessons learnt by your health professionals! We also work with our patients once they have returned to sport for 6 monthly testing to ensure they have an Injury Prevention Program (IPP) in place to reduce the risk of further injury. 

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    Why Choose Us

    • Do I need a Doctor’s referral?

      If you are private paying (i.e. paying for our services yourself or with your Private Health Fund) or covered by Work Cover, NDIS or a Home Care Package you DO NOT need a referral.If you are a DVA or Medicare patient, you will need a referral or EPC referral from a GP.

    • Do you have HICAPs?

      We sure do! Bring your private health insurance card with you and you can claim on the spot with our HICAPs machine. This means that you will only need to pay the gap at the time of your appointment.

    • What happens in the first appointment?

      Your initial appointment will involve a lengthy discussion about your concerns. Your therapist will then need to get some more information about your condition by performing some objective tests and getting some baseline measures. This enables for an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan to be formed. If time permits, you will start your treatment as well in the first session!

    • Do I need to bring anything?

      If you have had any scans or reports done in relation to your condition, it is really helpful if you can bring them with you.You should also bring or wear comfortable, loose clothing that allows access to the area of your body needing assessment and treatment.

    Book In With Us!

    Let us help you feel your best and be your best! Whether that be reducing pain, or getting back to elite level sport, we've got you covered.